Senior Five Term One
Definition of Information Technology?
Information technology (IT) is the combination of computer and communication technologies to process data into information. IT can also refer to the use of such technology.
TOPIC SUB TOPIC Introduction to Computing.
Introduction to Computers.
Computer literacy
World of ICTs.
Implications of Using ICTs (Advantages and Disadvantages) Computer Management.
A computer is an electronic device that can accept data input, process it according to some specified instructions, output the information, and store the results for future use.
A working computer system is made up hard ware and soft ware
Computer Hard ware is the electric, electronic, and mechanical components that make up a computer.
Computer Software is the series of instructions that tells the hardware how to work.
Hardware + Software = A Working Computer System
- High speed measure in millions of instruction per second (MIPS)
- More accurate because they hardly makes mistakes in fact it is the user who can make the mistakes.
- They store large information measure in byte, mega byte , Gigabytes ,tetra byte, etc.
- Diligence (consistence) computer can work for long time without getting tired
- Computer have artificial intelligence which enable it to process data into useful information to human.
- Computer also work automatically .they don’t need any supervision to perform programmed routine. Limitation of computers
- Computers cannot learn from experience
- Computer cannot think unlike human brain but can effectively execute data presented to them
- Human being can try out alternative if one method fails computer lack this
Parts of computer
- Hard ware
- Soft ware
- Data/information
- User
Computer literacy
Computer literacy is defined as the knowledge and ability to use computers and related technology efficiently, with skill levels ranging from elementary use to computer programming and advanced problem solving.
World of ICTs
Information communication technology (IT) refers to the management and use of information using computer-based tools. It includes acquiring, processing, storing, and distributing information. Most commonly it is a term used to refer to business applications of computer technology, rather than scientific applications. The term is used broadly in business to refer to anything that ties into the use of computers.
Application of ICT at home
- Pay bills
Budget and personal finance management Entertainment
- Research and education
- Personal and business communication
Pay bills at home
With PPS (payment by phone ) account ,electric bill, water bills and among others can be paid by phone or on the internet
Budget and personal finance management In this computers help us to;
- balance a check book
- Buy and sell stocks on line
- Prepare taxes
- Manage investments and family budget
- Listen to music’s
- Watch movies and videos
- Play games
- Compose and edit video
- Retouch a photo graph
- Read a book or magazine online
- Plan vacation
Research and education
- Take college classes on line (cyber classes)
- Produce assignment and report
- Learn how to speak a foreign language
- Help youngsters to read, write, count and spell
- Organize names and addresses
- Communicate with others around the world using e-mail and chart room
- Creating social contact by using face book, Skype’s etc.
Application of ICT in school includes
• Computer assisted instruction (CAI) so that teachers can use computers and other ICT
device to present teaching materials in a more interesting way.
• Computer assisted learning (CAL) so that students can use computers and other ICT
devices to learn on their own.
• Computer assisted assessment which may reduce the time and labor to mark the answer
• distance learning through computer based training and web based training
• Simulation of experiment which may be hazardous
• Electronic library system for searching, borrowing and returning books
• Edutainment which is a type of educational soft ware that combines education with
• Keeping record of School management and administration ,producing report card
,Identity card and pay sleeps.
Application of ICT in office
• Create memos, letters and reports
• Calculate pay roll, prepare income statement and balance sheets
• Track inventory and generate invoice and receipt
• Use of e mail, electronic blue tooth and video conferencing can enhance on line meetings
and discussion
• Use of document processing system to facilitate data entry Use of telecommuting so that
employees can work away from a company’s standard workplace.
• Create web sites to provide selected information ,advertisement, services and contact information
Application in bank
• Automated teller machines
• Online banking
• Electronic commerce
Automatic teller machine
This is a self-service banking machine attached to a host computer through a telephone net work
It provide the following services
• Making deposit of cash and checks
• Withdraw of cash
• Transfer money between account
• Application for a check book
• Obtain account balance and mini statement
• Transfer money electronically among different accounts
• Loan and cred card application
• Obtain credit card statements , bank statements and account balances
• Down load monthly transaction information
• Use magnetic ink character recognition (MICR) to process checks.
• Use microfilm and microfiche to store transactions records.
Electronic commerce (e-commerce)
This is a financial business transactions that occurs over an electronic network such as the
On line banking and shopping are two most popular types of e-commerce that uses either
electronic money (E-money) or electronic data interchange (EDI)
This is the means of paying for goods and services over the internet
This is a set of standards that control the transfer of business data and information among
computers both within and among companies
E-commerce are categorized into three basic models
Business to consumers (B2C) this consist of sales of good to general publics
Consumer to consumer (C2C) this consist of one consumer selling directly to another consumer
Business to business this consist of business providing goods and services to other business
• It save time because transactions can occur instantly in and globally
• Transaction can occur 24 hours per day
• Business have access to millions of people with internet connections
• businesses have ability to gather customer information ,analyze it and react if appropriate
• Information can be changed and be available quickly
• Customer can prepare price easily
• Feed back can be immediate
• Manufactures can buy and sell directly ,avoiding the cost of the middleman
• Distribution cost for information is reduced or eliminated
Application of ICT in business
• Listen to music’s
• Watch a video or a movies
• Compose and edit video
• Retouch a photograph
• Read a book or magazine on line
• Plan a vacation
• Data sensing
• Robotic
• Computer –aided design and manufacturing(creating engineering
,architectural and scientific design )
• Managing inventory
A robot is a computer controlled device that can move and react to feedback from the outside
• Repetitive work
• Lifting heavy equipment
• High degree of precision
• Maintain records of patient in hospitals and clinics
• Monitor patients’ vital sign in hospital rooms and home
• Computer-assisted medical test
• Research and diagnose medical conditions
• Implant computerized devices
(e.g. pace maker)that allow patient to live longer
• Use computer controlled devices during operations that requires great precision( e.g.
laser eye surgery and heart surgery )
• Telemedicine through computers with video conferencing capabilities
• Use of computer aided surgery for training prior to performing surgery on live human
Implication are always two ways ie positive implication and negative implication bot refer to how ict is influencing our lives today
ADVANTAGE OF ICT (computerized information system
Advantages of using computers with information processing include
1. Computers with communing capability can share data and information with other
2. Task can be completed faster because computers work at high speed
3. Computer can process large amounts of data and generate clear results without error if
the data are correctly entered.
4. Computers can store large amount of data for future use.
5. Computers are more efficient and reliable.
6. The operating cost of computers can become lower in long run.
7. Computer can accomplish task little human intervention (i.e. automatically)
8. Overall security can be raised due to less human intervention
Dis advantages of ICT(computerized information system)
1. Initial cost can be high
2. Extra cost is required to employ specialized staff to operate and design the data
processing system.
3. Some job may be lost due to computerization thus causing unemployment.
4. Face to face interaction among staff may be reduced
5. Working with computers require well trained personnel.
6. Easy transmit ion of viruses through computers can lead to loss of huge amount of data.
7. A problem may arise if computers are damaged yet the work is to be done urgently.
8. Security has to be provided to keep personal information
Dis advantages of using ICT in teaching
• Face to face interaction between teachers and student may be reduced.
• Student can only follow what CAL packages are predefined
• It require trained personnel to handle ICT tools e.g. computer, fax etc.
• Encourages forgery of document such as report form , receipt etc.